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Dr. Prashant Jain (B.A.M.S)
Qualification: B.A.M.S Cannabis Clinician,
Reg. No. : DBCP/A/8534
Consultation Fees – ₹300

Dr Dhaval

Dr. Dhaval kondkar (M.B.B.S)
Qualification: M.B.B.S Obstetrician/Gynaecology,
Reg. No. : 165151
Consultation Fees – ₹300


Dr. Shetty Pooja Balkrishna (B.A.M.S)
Qualification: B.A.M.S
Reg. No. :
Consultation Fees – ₹300


Dr. Abdul Shafiz Shaikh (B.U.M.S)
Qualification: B.U.M.S,
Reg. No. : I-2416
Consultation Fees – ₹300


Endocannabinoids are molecules mode by our body. They’re similar to cannabi-noids, but they’re produced by our bodies itself. The ECS is naturally active in all mammals, Consisting of the Endocannabinoids, Receptors and Enzymes. They all play their role in regulating the overall body functions like appetite, digestion, sleep, Cardiovascular system, reproductive functions and everything our body is capable of regulating the metabolism. Body Balance is the key factor which is maintained by the ECS in our bodies to maintain the overall body functions in harmony also referred to by scientists as HOMEOSTASIS (peaceful balance) which is the key role of the endocannabinoid system.


The ECS receptors CB1 & CB2 are present throughout the body and are responsible for signalling the body to promote the required function. CB1 receptors are present in our central nervous system and CB2 receptors are present in the peripheral ner-vous system.For example, enclocannabinoids might target CB1 receptors in a spinal nerve to relieve pain. Others might bind to a CB2 receptor in your immune cells to signal that your body’s experiencing inflammation. Once the Endocannabinoids have carried out their function they are broken down by the ENZYMES.